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A list of science writing resources

2 min

Science communication and science writing can be an overwhelming field to navigate, but there are so many resources out there! I've gathered the ones that have helped me here so they can hopefully be helpful to other people too. And if you'd like to see some of my own videos on this topic, you can check out this post.


The Open Notebook is an incredible, free resource, with pitches, articles, and so much more that you can use to help understand how science writing gets made.

Science Writing News Roundup is a fantastic, succinct, yet thorough newsletter featuring the latest in opportunities and resources for science writers. I always make sure to read it when it shows up in my inbox.

Study Hall is another great resource for job opportunities and articles about freelance writing life, as well as a great google group to connect with other writers. It does require payment for a number of these things, though they offer a sliding scale for bipoc writers (?? check this)


The Writer’s Coop Podcast is a valuable sounding board for all of your freelancer uncertainties. I use this podcast to sort through my own thoughts on how I’m approaching my work from a business perspective.

The Longform Podcast is the podcast that helped me understand writing and journalism while I was still an engineering PhD student. The interviews are fantastic, and I've learned so much from listening to writers from a variety of subjects talk about their experience.

Emerging Form is another fantastic podcast featuring interviews with writers, many of whom are science writers. One of my favorites is Rebecca Boyle on Finding Her Argument.

Conferences and Societies

Since I'm based in the US, my experience is primarily limited to US-based organizations

National Association of Science Writers is a great professional society to join in general for access to a number of resources, but it also has a fantastic conference each year where you can meet your fellow science writers and attend interesting panels

AAAS is a giant organization. And for people who are looking to transition from academia to communication or policy, it's a great place to learn about these fields and meet people who are working in them. I went for the first time while I was in grad school, and it really helped me build my network and understanding of scicomm as a field. (Also, if you are working in media, you can get a press registration to make the conference free!)


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